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UIL 4A One-Act Play State Champions!
News & Announcements
Nominaciones de Estudiantes del Programa Dotados y Talentosos
Gifted and Talented Program (GT) Nominations
School Counselors Celebrate During National School Counseling Week, Feb. 3-7
We commend our school counselors for their active involvement in assisting students as they explore their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents. They work collaboratively with parents to navigate the challenges of raising children in today's society, while also prioritizing positive strategies to enhance students' academic, career, and social/emotional growth. Additionally, they partner with teachers and other educators to create an educational environment where students can unlock their potential and establish healthy, realistic, and optimistic aspirations. School counselors are certified and experienced professionals whose distinctive combination of training and expertise renders them an essential element of our comprehensive educational program.
As the Superintendent of Schools, I urge all staff, community members, students, and parents to take a moment this week to express their gratitude to our counselors for their dedication and for playing such a crucial role in each student's success.
Child Nutrition Program receives "Cream of the Crop Recognition"
This honor highlights our commitment to providing fresh, locally-sourced foods to our students and promoting nutrition education within our schools. Throughout the Farm Fresh Challenge, we proudly incorporated Texas-grown produce into our meals, hosted engaging activities for our students to learn about the importance of agriculture, and partnered with local farmers to bring the best of Texas to our cafeteria tables.
A huge thank you goes to our dedicated CNP team, local farmers, school staff, and students who made this achievement possible. Your support and enthusiasm have helped us reach this incredible milestone!
The ZCISD CNP department will continue to ensure our students have access to fresh, nutritious meals while fostering a deeper connection to the food they eat and where it comes from.
Mosaic Gallery
Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Meeting/ Junta de Participación Familiar y Comunitaria
Our Gallery

Happy National School Counseling week to our amazing school counselors, Mrs. Karina Cantu, Mrs. Claudia Garza, Mrs. Blanca Gonzalez, Mrs. Yvonne Flores, Mrs. Sandra Cruz, and our LCDC Mrs. Jennifer Lozano. Thank you for all you do for our staff and students. Zapata High School is lucky to have you.

Zapata High School Culinary Arts students in Ms. Lori Salinas’ class - Christmas Cookie Decorating contest.

Zapata High School Culinary Arts students in Ms. Lori Salinas’ class had a Christmas Cookie Decorating contest. They worked with the consistency of the icing and were judged on 5 categories. Great job!
#EmpoweringTomorrowsLeaders, #HawkPride, #zhsculinary

Delissa Chapa and Jacob Alvarado, Zapata High School Seniors, were recognized as 2023 Heisman High School Scholarship School Winners for their outstanding achievements in academics, athletics, and community service.
Delissa is the daughter of Guillermo and Marissa Chapa. Jacob is the son of Jose and Virginia Alvarado. Congratulations and best of luck in your future endeavors.

ZHS teachers hard at work during Professional Development today!

Zapata High School - Class of 2024 Senior Week
Super Heroes vs. Villains

Zapata High School counselors continued to teach our students the importance of Red Ribbon Week. Thank you to Zapata County Juvenile Probation and Adult Probation Departments, Zapata County Sheriff’s Office and Texas DPS State Troopers for visiting ZHS. #SayNoToDrugs

Zapata High School alumni, Daniel Flores, P.E., Jorge Molina, and Cristina Mendoza-Vela gave a presentation to our seniors on Civil Engineering and TXDOT Conditional Grant Program. Thank you, Mr. Flores, for providing our students with this opportunity.

Mariachi Halcon members competed at the TMEA All-Region competition today. Congratulations to the following students who made the 6A Texas Music Educators Association Region 14 All Region Mariachi. Manuel Gonzalez, 1st chair Guitar Diego Hernandez, 2nd chair-Guitar Jose Orta, 2nd chair-Guitarron Eduardo Amesquita, 7th chair-Violin Lucas Guerra, 2nd Chair-Vihuela. In addition to this, Eduardo Amesquita, Manuel González and Diego Hernandez advanced to Area to record for the TMEA All State Mariachi. #HAWKPRIDE

Lady Hawks WIN!!!
Congratulations to our Lady Hawks Varsity and JV teams on their victory against Grulla Lady Gators.
Varsity Lady Hawks are 6-0 in District play. Congratulations, Lady Hawks!

On September 16, 2023, our ZHS JROTC, STUCO, ZHS NHS, ZMS NHS students participated in the National Clean-Up Day, a global movement that is held every year in September. Students worked in groups and picked up trash along Hwy 16. This event helped promote student understanding of life skills such as personal responsibility. We take pride in our environment and gained valuable experience caring for our community. Thank you to sponsors, parents, ZCISD Police Department & Zapata County Sheriff’s Office for your presence. It is greatly appreciated. Together we make a difference! Zapata Hawk Pride!
#NationalCleanUpDay #TrashTag #HawkPride #adoptahighway

AMIU Recruiter, Luis Diaz, visited with the senior class today. He presented on what TAMIU has to offer. He focused on the admissions process, scholarships, residential life, and studying abroad.

Mini College Fair for Seniors 24

Zapata High School seniors in Mrs. Marie Gutierrez’s English IV class highly engaged in journal writing.

Zapata High School seniors in Mrs. Marie Gutierrez’s English IV class highly engaged in journal writing.

Hawks vs Toros.
Hawk Nation conquered, off to the next battle. See you next week in Tiger territory.

ZHS Strutters’ Officers ready for Friday Night Lights!

Zapata High School students in Ms. Selina Mata’s Anatomy and Physiology class have been working on orientation to the body and applied their learning by dissecting pickles.
#EmpoweringTomorrowsLeaders #HawkPride

Sr. 2024 Sunrise

GEARUp 2024 Seniors are on the Tour of Texas with the Texas A&M Construction Science Academy…representing and making ZHS proud!!!

Zapata High School Strutter, Perla Garcilazo, made the Miss Kick Dance Company at ADTS competition at dance camp. Congratulations, Perla!!

ZHS celebrates National Police Officer week! Thank you, Officer Luis Guerra and Officer Jesus G. Lozano Jr., for your hard work and dedication to Zapata High School. We appreciate you both tremendously!

Ms. Monica West’s class enjoyed a fun-filled day in Laredo. Students shopped at Walmart and bought supplies for their “Coffee Cart” sale this Friday. They enjoyed lunch at Whataburger and wrapped up their day at the movie theater. Today was filled with fun, many, many smiles, laughter, and experiences gained. Great day for ZHS students

Congratulations to Mariachi Halcon vocalist, Ashley Dominguez, for being awarded Grand Champion at the Robstown Cotton Picker Mariachi Vocal Festival! Great job, Ashley!!

Zapata High School would like to congratulate the following students for being selected as students of the month. Great job on exemplifying Hawk Pride daily! #HawkPride

Zapata High School held a PTO meeting on Thursday, Feb. 2.. Very important information was shared by principal, Mr. Clyde Guerra. Parents were treated to mariachi music and donuts! Thank you to all those who attended! #HawkPride

Cadets competed Sat. Jan. 28, 2023 at a Drill Meet @ Henrietta M. King HS in Kingsville, TX.

ZHS Counseling Dept ”United” with students to stand against bullying. #unityday2022

Thank you Trophies & More (Mrs. Rebeca Flores) for donating this wonderful teacher basket.
Our lucky ZHS winner was Ms. Nelly Garcia.